“Not consultants. Business partners”.
Nancy Cathey and Cindy Butehorn have been a vital partner in transforming our key marketing programs at MIT Technology Review, tackling a broad range of strategic and tactical initiatives for us. Thanks to NetEffect, we’re mailing more effectively than ever and we have completely revamped our billing and renewal programs. Nancy, Cindy and the whole team at NetEffect are thorough, produce consistent winners and deliver on their promises. I can’t wait for my next project with them.
-- Doreen Adger, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Consumer Revenue, MIT Technology Review
Nancy Cathey and Cindy Butehorn have been a vital partner in transforming our key marketing programs at MIT Technology Review, tackling a broad range of strategic and tactical initiatives for us. Thanks to NetEffect, we’re mailing more effectively than ever and we have completely revamped our billing and renewal programs. Nancy, Cindy and the whole